
LEEP Procedure

OB/GYNs located in Miami and Hallandale, FL

LEEP Procedure

When you receive abnormal results from a Pap test that may indicate precancerous cells, it can be difficult to deal with. At Aventura OB/GYN & Associates in Miami and Hallandale, Florida, the compassionate team of doctors is available to help guide you through additional diagnostic testing and early treatment to achieve the best possible outcome. You can benefit from the state-of-the-art diagnostics, like the LEEP procedure, available at Aventura OB/GYN. Schedule a consultation online or by phone to learn more about LEEP.

LEEP Procedure Q & A

What is LEEP?

Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) uses a wire loop device, heated by electric current, to remove tissue and cells from your cervix and vagina.

Your doctor may use LEEP as a diagnostic tool for abnormal or cancerous cells. LEEP can also be an effective treatment for these conditions.

Why do I need LEEP?

If your pelvic exam or Pap test reveals abnormalities, such as precancerous or cancerous cells, your doctor may recommend LEEP.

You may also undergo a LEEP as part of a diagnosis or treatment for conditions like benign polyps, HPV, and genital warts.

How does LEEP work?

LEEP is an outpatient procedure your doctor performs in a comfortable office environment. Your doctor may provide you with a local anesthetic to prevent discomfort before inserting a speculum into your vagina to access your cervix.

Your doctor may inject a vinegar solution into your cervix to help identify abnormal cells. The LEEP wire is put into place, and an electrical current goes through it to cut a thin layer of abnormal tissue that the doctor sends to a laboratory for further testing. Your doctor then uses LEEP to remove remaining abnormal cells, allowing new, healthier cells and tissues to grow.

To ensure a successful procedure, you should schedule LEEP when you’re not having a period. Menstruation and conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease and cervical inflammation can interfere with LEEP.

Are there risks associated with LEEP?

While LEEP is a minimally invasive procedure, there are possible risks to consider. Following treatment, you may be at higher risk for:

  • Infection
  • Spotting or bleeding
  • Scarring of tissue
  • Fertility issues

Your doctor discusses the associated risks of LEEP before your treatment and reviews your health history to ensure this procedure is right for you.

What can I expect after LEEP?

Following treatment, you can relax for some time as the medical team monitors your condition before sending you home.

It’s normal to feel mild cramping and vaginal discharge for several days after LEEP. You can wear sanitary pads for discharge but should avoid tampons until your cervix has time to heal.

Your doctor also advises you about how long you should avoid sexual intercourse and douching after LEEP to ensure proper healing and prevent infection.

To find out if LEEP is right for you, schedule a consultation online or by calling the office.